Finished Thesis

I constructed these scenes in the boxes in my previous post. They were lit internally, and then shot through door viewers, to see what’s inside the box. For my thesis class one of the requirements was to make a book, so I hand crafted and bound my book. I also made a digital version which I hope to put up soon. I’m so happy it’s done!!

Upcoming Thesis Project

boxes, peepshows, circus, sideshow

These are boxes that I made for my thesis project. I'm going to make them into peepshows. I have brass door viewers that I'm going to put on the front of the boxes. Inside I'm going to make a kind of puppet theater. The photographic cutouts will be of a circus sideshow, based off the Coney Island sideshow, Dreamland, and then I will build stages and light the boxes inside like theater lighting. The largest blue and white striped box is going to be built as a dressing room, and also a cabinet of curiosities, in the historical sense, a room full of natural history oddities.

This is what the photographs looked like before they were edited. Its a shoot for my advertisement class and is going into my graduating portfolio. The concept I got for this shoot was inspired by a quote from a novel The Book of Flying. “Following lines of silver lode down the loops of his arteries to the apartments of his heart; the four chambers curtain in red velvet.” I love anatomical hearts and the idea of an illustration set up like the four chambers draped in red velvet. I’m especially drawn to illustrations of anatomical hearts with flowers growing out of the valves, so that’s where I’m hoping to take this project next. I incorporate symbols in all of my photographs, so the photographs being representative of a heart, I added keys to two of the pictures, because of they’re symbolic meaning of unlocking.